Testified in Congress regarding the history, health and economic impact of Acid Mine drainage in the Animas River
Negotiated timely request for Superfund response to the Gold King Mine spill with Governor John Hickenlooper
Requested additional studies to evaluate all possible options for location of the wastewater treatment facility
Voted to secure water rights for a population of up to 40,000
Advocated to maintain funding for current transit and trolley system.
During my four-year term on Council, my firm designed and oversaw funding and construction of over 810 units of low-income tax credit housing throughout the United States.
I understand housing policy that will save neighborhoods and bring new workforce housing to Durango.
Initiated land use regulations for licensing and caps for vacation rentals to protect neighborhoods
Initiated land use controls for appropriate development of Accessory Dwelling Units
Initiated vision for “Character Districts” beginning with North Main Avenue revitalization.
Dean Brookie, citizen, small business owner and community leader
Title 9
Dean with Senators Bennet and Gardner on their site visit to Durango after the Gold King Mine spill
Title 10
Dean with Councilors Rinderle and White discussing the coordinated response to the Gold King Mine spill
Title 11
Dean with Senator Bennet discussing Lake Nighthorse
Title 12
Dean on a site visit with other elected officials to learn about Superfund.
Title 13
Dean testifying before Congress about the need for clean up of abandoned mines.